Dr Shekhar C. Mande, DG, CSIR bestowed with the HK Firodia Memorial award for his contributions to science.
While we are now past the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, some new ideas of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 have begun to emerge. Some are still being debated.
CSIR recently launched a Webinar Series in Indian languages to reach out to the citizens in a language they can easily understand and identify with.
Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health, Science & Technology and Earth Sciences and Vice President of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) released a compendium of “CSIR Technologies for COVID-19 Mitigation” which gives insights into the technologies, innovations and products developed and deployed by CSIR.
The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research introduced, in 1987, a scheme of awards for Young Scientists in the CSIR system in order to promote excellence in various fields of science and technology.
The MoU seeks to promote collaborative research and information dissemination in the area of food and nutrition.
CSIR has been keeping a close watch on the dynamics, spread and distribution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Three young scientists from various CSIR laboratories have received the INAE (Indian National Academy of Award Engineering) Young Engineer Award.
Clarifying doubts and queries in the minds of the general public about the various issues and concerns related to treatment and testing for COVID-19.
The series of workshops focused mainly on CSIR’s thematic research and the ambitions of Govt of India to fulfil the energy needs of the Nation.
“It is indeed a privilege to be associated with CSIR in any capacity and you all have the great privilege of working for CSIR” — says Dr Harsh Vardhan
This collaboration would entail work across key areas of CO2 capture, utilisation and storage.
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology was instituted in the year 1957, in the memory of late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, FRS, the founder-director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
CSIR announced Diamond Jubilee Invention Award for School Children on 26 April 2002 in order to enhance creativity amongst school children.
This marks a significant achievement for the Indian scientific community, moving from R&D to a high-accuracy, scalable and reliable test in less than 100 days. The ‘Made in India’ test achieves accuracy levels of traditional RT-PCR tests
This will augment CSIR-FPI’s capacity as the leading research and development organisation in the country to provide world-class high-performance computational facilities to the research community
Hon'ble Minister of S&T, Dr Harsh Vardhan launched clinical trials website called "CUReD: CSIR Ushered Repurposed Drugs".
CSIR Technology Awards seek to foster and encourage multi-disciplinary in-house team efforts and external interaction for technology development, transfer and commercialization.
The CAIRD Award, an annual award instituted in 2006, recognizes those outstanding S&T innovations that have helped transform the lives of rural people or generate employment.
The CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award seeks to recognize and honour outstanding technical innovation that has contributed significantly to the enhancement of national prestige.
CSIR instituted a Gold Medal in 2004 in the fond memory of Prof. G N Ramachandran, a pioneer of protein chemistry & the founding father of structural biology in India, for recognizing excellence in the interdisciplinary field of Biological Sciences and Technology.
Minister of S&T, Health & Family Welfare and Earth Sciences, Dr Harsh Vardhan inaugurated the curtain raiser of the virtual mega science event, IISF 2020.
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research has been awarded the Clarivate Analytics India Innovation Award 2018 in the Government Research Organizations Category.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) invites nominations for the Shanti SwarupBhatnagar (SSB) Prizes in Science and Technology for the year 2021.
Science and Technology are incomplete unless its benefits percolate to the Society: Prime Minister
The 6th India International Science Festival-IISF 2020 had a vertical focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 covering eight aspects – Biodiversity, Clean air, Energy, Habitat (Rural and Urban), Health Research Conclave, Waste & Sanitation, Water and Wellness Conclave.
As part of IISF 2020, the Overseas Science & Technology Ministers Conclave was organised that provided a platform for closely examining the priorities S&T and take stock of challenges faced by partner countries in finding ways and means to deal with the growing menace of COVID-19.
The Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development and Design Centre (JNARDDC), Nagpur, signed an MoU with the CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT), Bhubaneswar, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML), Jamshedpur, National Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO), Hindalco Industries Ltd. and Vedanta Limited, to extract Rare Earth Elements (REE) from Red Mud (Aluminium waste).
“Women of the world want and deserve an equal future free from stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that’s sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all. To get us there, the world needs women at every table where decisions are being made.” — UN Women
Web Lecture and Discussion Meeting on the topic “Why so many ways to die?”
The Ministry of Ayush & CSIR collaboration has recently completed a robust multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of AYUSH-64 in the management of mild to moderate COVID-19 patients.
the pandemic rages in India, we need to once again remember that simple tools and practices can reduce the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The Prime Minister said that in our country, CSIR works as an institutional arrangement to keep Science, Society and Industry on the same page.
Niclosamide has emerged as a promising drug candidate for clinical trial in COVID-19 patients.
CSIR Invites Nominations for CDJTA 2020 (Last Date: 25th July 2021)
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
"COVID-19: A Journey from Lung Pathology to Novel Drug Discovery"
Dr Jitendra Singh assumed charge of two portfolios — the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Earth Sciences with independent charge.
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh on 13 July 2021 discussed with scientific experts, the modalities of installing the latest UV-C Disinfection Technology in the Parliament House, on the eve of the upcoming session on the 19th of this month.
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
National level Outreach Program on the theme "How Human Are We? Our Microbiome, Nutrition and Long-Term Health being".
The award winners this year.
Dr Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State for Science & Technology delivers the keynote address in the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Event.
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
Dr Jitendra Singh informed that this technique is cost-effective, precise and is useful to map large areas (districts/states) within a short time to map the vast extent of groundwater resources in arid regions of our country.
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and 80 years of CSIR webinar by CSIR-AMPRI & CSIR-Jigyasa.
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series
Role of Traditional Medicines for COVID-19 — Spotlight on AYUSH-64
Honouring the spirit of Innovation of Young Minds
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology was instituted in the year 1957, in the memory of late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, FRS, the founder-director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
Shri Venkaiah Naidu, the Hon'ble Vice President of India, was the chief guest of the occasion, and Dr Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister (S&T, ES, PMO, DOPT), graced the occasion with his august presence.
CSIR Success Story webinar
CSIR Success Stories Webinar
CSIR Success Stories Webinar
Minister calls upon CSIR to strengthen the innovation ecosystem at Universities.
CSIR Success Stories Webinar
CSIR Technology Awards seek to foster and encourage multi-disciplinary in-house team efforts and external interaction for technology development, transfer and commercialisation.
CSIR Success Stories Webinar
The CAIRD Award, an annual award instituted in 2006, recognises those outstanding S&T innovations that have helped transform the lives of rural people or generate employment.
The CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award seeks to recognise and honour outstanding technical innovation that has contributed significantly to the enhancement of national prestige.
CSIR instituted a Gold Medal in 2004 in the fond memory of Prof. G N Ramachandran, a pioneer of protein chemistry & the founding father of structural biology in India, for recognizing excellence in the interdisciplinary field of Biological Sciences and Technology.
CSIR Jigyasa: Student-Scientist Connect Programme
Launch of CSIR Virtual Lab Platform under CSIR Jigyasa Initiative.
"Menthol Mint Success Story of CSIR-CIMAP"
CSIR Scientists Elected as Fellows of NASI
Success story from CSIR-4PI
Success story from CSIR-IIIM
Jigyasa Vigyan Mahotsav 2022
The programme will build a connection between students and scientists across the nation providing them with quality research exposure and innovative teaching methods.
CSIR Success Stories Webinar
CSIR Innovation Award for School Children 2022
Honourable Chief Minister of Gujarat facilitates MoU between CSIR and iCreate to harness India’s tech strength.
Dr Rajesh S. Gokhale has been given additional charge of DG, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
Call for Industry Originated R&D Concept Proposals.
Fostering a strong Atmanirbhar Bharat
The session will cover topics: “Geo-polymerization based Building Components” and “Waste-to-Wealth - Lightweight/Renewable Materials including Waste to Value Added Products” (TRL 5 & above) developed by Fraunhofer IBP and CSIR Labs.
The industry connect programme aims to explore globally benchmarked technologies and products for making the country self-sustaining and self-generating.
Fostering a Strong AtmaNirbhar Bharat by providing indigenous Technology by forging partnership with industry.
80 Years of CSIR’S contribution to Indian S&T.
CSIR 80 years 80 success stories webinar series
The Special Issue focuses onIndian Organisations Engaged in Science Popularisation.
Honouring the spirit of Innovation of Young Minds
CSIR-JIGYASA Programme popular science talk.
Dr N. Kalaiselvi is the first woman Director General of CSIR.
“CSIR with 38 laboratories and over 4,500 scientists must focus on emerging innovations in areas like hydrogen in the energy transition, carbon capture and storage, accessible solar power, plastic recycling and cheap energy storage,” says Dr Jitendra Singh.
Dr Swapnali Hazarika, Principal Scientist, and Group Leader of the Chemical Engineering Group of CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR-NEIST), Jorhat, Assam, has been selected for the prestigious Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) bronze medal 2023 for her significant contribution in the field of Chemical Sciences.
CSIR breakthroughs like drone, heliborne technology, state-of-the-art sewage cleaning machines, Aroma Mission and many others have opened up huge opportunities for developing meaningful and equal stake partnerships among Research, Academia and Industry, says Dr Jitendra Singh.
To further boost the collaborations and enhance its scope, CSIR and BCSIR decided to conclude a cooperation MoU to rejuvenate the scientific relations between these national research institutions that share visions and missions.
Keeping in tune with the transformations happening in CSIR, the Minister of Science and Technology also released the new tagline, “CSIR — The Innovation Engine of India”.
“One person, one lab” approach was encouraged by the Hon'ble PM to advance scientific research and development.
Honouring the spirit of Innovation of Young Minds
CSIR Pavilion in Indian Science Congress at Nagpur.
The Minister launches the “One Week One Lab" campaign highlighting India's global excellence in technology, innovation and Start-ups.
Keeping in tune with the transformations happening in CSIR, the Minister of Science and Technology also released the new tagline, “CSIR — The Innovation Engine of India”.
At the Mega S&T Expo during IISF, CSIR Pavilion bagged the best pavilion award.
The three priority areas of Water, Lithium and Vaccines flagged by the Mexican side will be taken care of by the CSIR and other Sister Organisations, Dr Jitendra Singh assures the Mexican Foreign Minister.
“A traditional millet diet is beneficial in diabetes, obesity and a host of other disorders”:DrJitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister, S&T.
Hon’ble Minister for S&T and Vice President, CSIR, Dr Jitendra Singh launched the portal in presence of Dr N Kalaiselvi, Director General, CSIR, on the occasion of Women’s day.
The objective of the MoU is to facilitate collaboration for pursuing research in advanced technologies for energy security.
A partnership on Industrial Research and Development Cooperation.
CSIR start-ups and labs are participating in the event at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Dr RA Mashelkar, Former DG-CSIR deliver an inaugural lecture on Doing & Leading Science in India: Lessons from Personal Journey.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) celebrated the International Women’s Day 2023 on 9 March 2023 at the CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi.
A week long programme celebrated by CSIR-IITR and CSIR-IICT
As a part of the "One Week, One Lab" campaign launched by the Hon’ble Minister and Vice President of CSIR, Dr Jitendra Singh, the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad, conducted a programme during 7-12 March 2023.
CSIR and Energy Swaraj Foundation sign an MoU on 6 July 2023 aiming to spread awareness about climate change and encourage climate corrective actions.
“CSIR Racing to One Hundred: Challenges and Opportunities”.
Enter sub article content...“This project recognises Safai Mitra’s crucial role in cleanliness, preserving both the environment and their health through responsible e-waste disposal,” said Dr Jitendra Singh.
The celebrations included various events — Foundation Day Lecture, Technical Sessions, Presentation of the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prizes, Mega Expo, the culmination of “One Week, One Lab” initiative, etc.
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize (SSB) Science & Technology 2023
“CSIR developing various technologies towards reducing India’s Carbon footprint and recycling” — Dr Jitendra Singh.
CSIR Pavilion at the Mega Science & Technology Expo of IISF 2023, Faridabad.
Purple Revolution through Scientific Interventions of CSIR.
Mr Daren Tang, DG, WIPO, expressed WIPO’s support to CSIR for a meaningful and impactful journey together.
The event signifies CSIR’s aim to spread awareness about climate change and its ill effects.
“Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh says, ‘One Week One Theme’ initiative under Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) aims to make innovation inclusive for all.
The compact and affordable tractor will help to fulfil the needs of small and marginal farmers.
CSIR Participates in Global Conclave on Plastic Recycling and Sustainability Exhibition
CSIR and MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) Signs MoU
The 3-day exhibition was organised with a focus on various welfare & development schemes of central and state governments and PSUs.
The Conclave emphasises the importance of engaging in collaborative learning models and expanding the partnership and networks through engagement and cooperation to address the region’s development challenges, specifically through sustainable living through local knowledge systems.
The award was presented in recognition of his exemplary dedication and contribution to diabetology, diabetes care and diabetes research.
The award was presented during an event in Thiruvananthapuram.
CSIR and Laghu Udyog Bharati sign MoU for transfer of CSIR technologies to Micro and Small Entrepreneurs
In the first edition of the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar, 33 awards were presented to distinguished scientists.
The conclave deliberated on how South countries, through cooperative partnerships, can create responsible governance for science and innovation to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Shri. Pralhad Joshy Ji, Hon’ble Minister for Food and Public Distribution, GoI, visited the Sustain-able Packaging and Agro Waste to Wealth Stall at the MoFPI Pavilion during World Food India 2024.
"CSIR exemplifies excellence, academic brilliance and cutting-edge research” — Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar.
Dr Abhay Anant Pashilkar, Director, CSIR-NAL, outlined a pivotal role of theme in achieving Atmanirbhar Bharat, Swasth Bharat, and Make in India initiatives.
Dr Singh stressed India’s ability to lead global health sector research. He also emphasised the significance of collaboration between public and private sectors in advanced medical sciences.
Showcased technologies and products related to Metals, Mining, Materials & Minerals theme.
CSIR Participates in MET & HTS 2024 Exhibition
The IISF-2024 is being coordinated by the CSIR and involves all the major scientific departments and ministries of the Government of India in collaboration with Vijnana Bharati. CSIR-NIIST is the nodal institute for IISF 2024.
The CSIR booth drew considerable attention from students, industry professionals, and the general public, all eager to learn more about the technologies behind these advancements.
A Commitment to a Science-Led Future for India
The event was unique because it was the first time these many students under the CSIR JIGYASA programme performed an experiment simultaneously.
Dr Jitendra Singh emphasised the rapid growth of the startup ecosystem in Jammu & Kashmir, which has expanded from 30 to over 350 startups in the past five years.
“This innovation aims to make India self-reliant in paracetamol manufacturing, reducing dependence on imported ingredients” — Dr Jitendra Singh.