Scientists at the CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi, have invented a unique security ink that emits two different colours on exposure to ultraviolet light – a feature that could help prevent counterfeiting of currency notes.
With the coronavirus pandemic continuing its deadly run by infecting more than a million people and causing the death of more than 82,000 people across the world, the laboratories of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) intensified their efforts at combating the pandemic.
Surveillance at the level of the virus, humans, and geographical origins and distributions is a critical step in combating Covid-19.
Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic broke out, CSIR has mounted a strategic, well-coordinated and integrated approach towards mitigating the Coronavirus outbreak.
BPCL quality assurance (QA) department and M/s Aashvi Technology LLP (ATL) joined hands with CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL) for manufacturing and marketing of “Bharatiya Nirdeshak Dravya” (Certified Reference Material) to ensure correct and accurate results of Lab Instruments under the “AtmaNirbharBharat” programme of Honourable Prime Minister of India.
The Message shared by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi Ji for the occasion ‘Platinum Jubilee Celebration of CSIR-NPL’, and about the book entitled "Metrology for Inclusive Growth of India".
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, organised National Metrology Conclave on 4 January 2021 on its 75th foundation day.
Indigenously developed low-cost technology for Hydrogen-based Fuel Cell
An energy conversion device converting the wind energy into electrical energy.
Dr Sanjay Yadav, Senior Principal Scientist and Head, Physico Mechanical Metrology Division of CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, has been awarded the APMP Award for Developing Economies for the year 2020 by the APMP Secretariate, Japan.
Demo & online Talk “Novel Techniques in 3D Measuring LASER Microscopy with Metrology”.
Prof. (Dr) Venu Gopal Achanta appointed as the director of CSIR–NPL, New Delhi.
Blue Laser Induced White Light Generator
75 Years of dedicated service to the nation.
On this occasion, a Special Postage Stamp and Special Cover commemorating the 75th Platinum Jubilee year of CSIR-NPL was released by the Hon’ble Minister in the presence of Shri Ashok Kumar, Postmaster General, India Post (Delhi Circle).
Two Days Workshop on Scientific Communications
The theme for "World Metrology Day-2022" was “Metrology in the Digital Era”, announced jointly by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML).
CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative training programme.
The programme was specifically designed for researchers, industry personnel, legal metrology officers and students
Dr Rina Sharma, Head, Length, Dimension and Nanometrology, CSIR-NPL, said that such training programmes are important to strengthen the quality infrastructure of India.
CIPM is a supreme international committee, which is responsible for the Development and Implementation of Weight and Measures globally. Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta is among 18 members worldwide from different countries. He is the 7th Indian to be in the prestigious international committee.
CIPM is a supreme international committee, which is responsible for the development and implementation of weights and measures globally. Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta is among 18 members worldwide from different countries. He is the 7th Indian to be on the prestigious international committee.
The focal theme of the training programme was “Awareness about IPR”.
Hon’ble Dr Jitendra Singh addressed an exclusive event titled “CSIR innovations on Millets” commemorating the International Year of Millets.
The blue laser-induced white light is a promising candidate to revolutionisethe luminous intensity of the white light by several orders of magnitude as compared with the existing blue light?emitting diodes-based white light.
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi, celebrated its 77th foundation day on 4 January 2023 at the institute’s auditorium.
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi, conducted a two days online training programme on "Awareness about IPR" during 24-25 January 2023, under the aegis of the CSIR Integrated Skill initiative.
In this evolving world, counterfeiting is also evolving in advanced ways and counterfeiters are turning out to be more proficient to counterfeit security features effectively by utilising all advanced technologies and tools to perform their unethical activities.
CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, organised an online training programme on “Popular Science Writing” on 16 March 2023, under the aegis of the CSIR integrated skill initiative.
Prof. MM Tripathy, Director General, NIELIT, emphasised that youth should actively participate in such programmes because they are the future leaders and will play a major role in the economic development of the country.
The ink is a strategically designed colloidal suspension composed of luminescent pigment in a protein linker medium for Finger Marker to Deterrent Double Voting.
The occasion served as a platform to honour the rich legacy of CSIR-NPL while embracing the future with groundbreaking initiatives and collaborative endeavours.
Sh RK Singh, Secretary of DPII, GoI, emphasised the requirement for all stakeholders to join hands to make the dream of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India for “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” a reality.