CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre(CSIR-SERC), Chennai
Make-shift hospitals for Himachal based on CSIR technology

The laboratories also have expertise in setting up pre-engineered buildings by way of short-term measures.

National Technology Day Function by CSIR-SERC

National Technology Day Lectures on the theme ‘Fight Against Covid-19  – Activities at CSIR Campus at Taramani’ by CSIR-SERC.

Webinar on

CSIR Success Stories Webinar Series

Webinar on "Application of Circular Economy Concept in Construction Sector" by CSIR-SERC

Application of Circular Economy Concept in Construction Sector

Two Day Advance Online Course on Engineering of Precast Concrete Technology for Mass Housing (EPCTH-2022)

Engineering of Precast Concrete Technology for Mass Housing (EPCTH-2022)

Birth Centenary Celebrations of Prof. G.S. Ramaswamy

The Birth Centenary of Prof. G.S. Ramaswamy was celebrated with great enthusiasm on 3 October 2022, at the CSIR Campus in Taramani, Chennai, by CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC).

CSIR-SERC Organises “One Week, One Lab” Programme

CSIR-SERC organises various events during a week-long celebration.