New research sheds light on the genetic heritage of the Nicobarese people

The study notably highlighted the common genetic affinity of the Htin Mal with Nicobarese.

NCL Enhances Oxygen Generation in MiG-29 Aircraft

The project has set a new benchmark for leveraging indigenous research to address critical defensive technological challenges.

CSIR-CDRI and Zydus to develop best-in-class drug for Chronic Kidney Disease induced Osteoporosis

CSIR-CDRI and Zydus to develop best-in-class drug for Chronic Kidney Disease induced Osteoporosis 

CSIR-NAL develops a paint coating for thermal insulation applications in aircraft

The coating provides a temperature drop of ~25ºC when exposed to temperatures of 150ºC compared to an uncoated surface, and also has excellent adhesion and is suitable for metals and composites.

CSIR-IGIB’s New Gene editor

Overall, the engineered FnCas9 variants represent a significant leap forward in genome editing, offering enhanced precision, flexibility, and potential for therapeutic applications.

CSIR-CLRI demonstrates sustainable leather manufacturing technologies in the Kanpur leather sector

The demonstration reinforced the importance of continuous innovation and partnership in driving sustainability in the leather industry.

Genetic Study Reveals Language Shift of Austroasiatic Tribes

The researchers studied four major tribal populations (Bathudi, Bhumij, Ho and Mahali) from Odisha. They examined the genetic affinities of these populations and a few Indo-European speakers from nearby areas.

Natural Science News: Chemical Profile and Health Benefits of Compounds from Ashwagandha Fungi

The findings of this study are significant in the context of previous research on natural products.

CSIR-CDRI and Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Partner to Develop High-value Generics in the API Value Chain

Dr Radha Rangarajan, Director, CSIR-CDRI, said, “We are excited to work with Dr Reddy’s for the development of APIs.

CSIR Cooperative Society Election held at CSIR HQ using “New Invisible Luminescent Ink” developed by CSIR-NPL

The ink is a strategically designed colloidal suspension composed of luminescent pigment in a protein linker medium for Finger Marker to Deterrent Double Voting.

DCGI grants Permission for Phase-I Clinical Trial of Levormeloxifene, developed by CSIR-CDRI and Cipla

“The rationale for developing the pure enantiomer is to reduce the overall chemical burden for the user, in this case, women of reproductive age.” Said Dr Radha Rangarajan, Director, CSIR-CDRI.

Outstanding Multi-functional Luminescent Pigment Based Golden Ink with Innumerable Security Features to Curb Counterfeiting of Passport

In this evolving world, counterfeiting is also evolving in advanced ways and counterfeiters are turning out to be more proficient to counterfeit security features effectively by utilising all advanced technologies and tools to perform their unethical activities.

Seaweed-based fertiliser based on CSIR-CSMCRI technology launched

Contributing to ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ of the Govt of India, a seaweed-based bio-stimulant for various crops named ‘Sivarika’ using an indigenous technology developed by CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, was launched in the market in 2023 by Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO).

Blue Laser Induced Phosphor Coated White light — Future Technology

The blue laser-induced white light is a promising candidate to revolutionisethe luminous intensity of the white light by several orders of magnitude as compared with the existing blue light?emitting diodes-based white light.

CDRI Scientist Dr Dipak Datta and team find new option to tackle Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) metastasis

India is known as the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) capital of the world owing to its high incidence. TNBC is the deadliest amongst all breast cancer subtypes with few therapeutic options. This type of cancer is associated with early metastasis resulting in poor five-year survival rates.

Maternal Ancestry of Nepal is a mixture of South- and East-Asian Population, find researchers at CSIR-CCMB

Being at the crossroad of the Himalayan region, Nepal offers a unique ground to understand South and East Asian genetic ancestry. 

CSIR-NCL and University of Hyderabad Discover Novel Hydrate Polymorphs of Entresto

CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune, as part of a Mission Mode programme funded by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), initiated research on novel crystalline hydrate forms and polymorphs of Entresto in 2018.

Study demonstrates Delta variant of coronavirus could evade our immune system better

In the last almost three years, there have been many SARS-CoV-2 variants spreading across the world.

Novel Genes for Male Fertility

Approximately, one out of every seven couples is infertile worldwide.

CCMB & AIC-CCMB leading mRNA vaccine technology in India

The mRNA vaccine technology so developed, is indigenous and devoid of any technology contributions from elsewhere.

Scarcity of Iron, Puffing Hot Iron in the Arabian Sea and Geoengineering Climate Change

As part of the GEOTRACES-INDIA initiative, a major oceanographic programme supported by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India relating to dissolved iron cycling in the Arabian Sea and subtropical gyre region of the Indian Ocean has been studied.

Genetic Diversity Maintained even after Long-term Captive Breeding of Endangered Pygmy Hog

CSIR-CCMB-LaCONES (Laboratory for Conservation of Endangered Species) and Pygmy Hog Conservation Programme collaborated to examine the reproductive and genetic fitness of these captive-bred individuals.

Novel Mosquito Repelling Molecule Identified by CSIR Team

Researchers used the “silicon switch” approach to synthesise a library of compounds based on the DEET scaffold, which is today’s gold standard for insect repellents.

Development of Innovative Hybrid Connections for Precast Concrete Construction: CSIR-CBRI

The developed couplers have been used to connect different precast elements and tested under tension and cyclic loading.

Decreased Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter Build-up and Nutrients in the Mandovi Estuary

Mandovi and Zuari are the two main estuaries of Goa and have been exploited in recent years for various anthropogenic activities.

Conservation & Restoration of Lime Mortars & Brickworks: CSIR-CBRI

CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee, has investigated the composition of historical mortar/plaster types, their current condition, factors and processes responsible for their deterioration.

Development of Precast RC Shear Wall Systems & Evaluation of their Lateral Load Resistance

The 3D-Concrete, Printing Group at CSIR-Central Building Research Institute (CSIR-CBRI), Roorkee, carried out extensive experimental investigations and numerical studies on precast RC shear walls.

Wearable Sensors for Tracking Health and Physiological Status from Human Sweat

The sensor can non-invasively measure different biomarkers present in sweat such as lactate, Na+, K+, and its pH simultaneously.

Face Recognition based Attendance System

The researchers of CSIR-CEERI have developed AI-powered Face Recognition based Attendance System (FRAS).

Ground Improvement Technique to Mitigate Liquefaction Hazards for Safe Building Construction

Soil liquefaction and its associated ground failures during an earthquake are major potential hazards.

Rapid determination and optimisation of berberine from Himalayan Berberis lycium by soxhlet apparatus using CCD-RSM and its quality control as a potential candidate for COVID-19

Since the beginning of 2020, the spread of the COVID-19 virus has created panic across the globe, and so the WHO declared it as a pandemic.

Combating Multi-drug Resistant Malaria Parasite

A robust drug candidate for the treatment of infections due to parasites that have resistance to the antimalarial drugs including artemisinin.

Biosensors for Lactates Operating in Dual Mode

A biosensing platform that can operate in dual transducing mode viz., Electrochemical (EC) and Photoelectrochemical mode (PEC) for the detection of lactate.

Indigenous System for Assessment and Relearning of Postural Balance

Postural stability is achieved by maintaining an upright body alignment against gravitational force and preserving the equilibrium of the Centre of Pressure (CoP) in an individual’s base of support.

Design & Strengthening Measures for Building Foundation Systems in Hilly Regions by CSIR-CBRI

CSIR-CBRI undertook a project to provide suitable design and strengthening measures for safety and stability of building foundations in hilly regions.

High-Value Chemicals from Waste: Keratin and Melanin from Waste Human Hair

Human hair is a keratin and melanin-rich natural fibre and considered as one of the largest waste material produced by humans.

CSIR-CDRI Discovers Peptide Effective in Fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the joints in the human body. It is the most common type of autoimmune disease.

Insulin Complex for Oral Delivery

Diabetic patients have to administer insulin regularly. Injecting it into the dorsal subcutaneous tissues is very painful for children, pregnant women, elderly and arthritis patients.