Celebrating Legacy and Innovation with Prof. Ashutosh Sharma’s Distinguished Lecture

CSIR-CSIO Director Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya emphasised CSIR-CSIO’s mission to address societal challenges through impactful research and continued leadership in scientific instrumentation.

CSIR-CDRI Initiates a New Oration Series on InnoHealth

The event focused on unravelling the multifaceted role of AI in accelerating healthcare innovations.

Prof. Stefan Mecking Delivers Dr RA Mashelkar Endowment Lecture

Prof. Stefan Mecking, Chair of Chemical Materials Science, University of Konstanz presented innovative approaches to address these challenges.

CSIR-NIScPR SVASTIK Lecture on “Feeding the 10 Billion by 2050: A Genomics Perspective”

Dr Manoj Prasad, Professor, NIPGR, highlighted the potential of millets to address the global food demand.

CSIR-NEIST organises a National Symposium

During the two days, in five scientific sessions of NSARA 2023, invited speakers from various research organisations delivered their talk on different thematic areas.

Student Organised Lectures on Science (SOLOS) 2022 Series

Structure, function, and modulation of G-protein coupled receptors.

Prof. (Dr) Bhabatosh Biswas Deliveres the 6th Popular Health Talk — Healthy Life! Ever Receding Dream!

Prof. Bhabatosh emphasised the urgent need for an armamentarium of the modern health care system to pursue this dream.

Artificial Intelligence: A Core Technology of Future. No Nation Left Behind

A core member of the Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and AI (RBC-DSAI), the speaker reiterated that Indian engineers and scientists should be actively engaged in contributing significantly to expanding AI skills.

Professor K. Venkataraman Memorial Lecture in Organic Chemistry

A lecture on "The Baylis-Hillman Reaction: Our vision, thirty seven years of our experience and contributions"

Public Lecture on "COVID-19: A Journey from Lung Pathology to Novel Drug Discovery" by CSIR

"COVID-19: A Journey from Lung Pathology to Novel Drug Discovery"

CSIR-NBRI Celebrates National Science Day

CSIR-NBRI remembers its Founder Prof. KN Kaul by organizing a memorial lecture

International Women’s Day 2021: Women Leadership in Science, Health and Society

“Women of the world want and deserve an equal future free from stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that’s sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all. To get us there, the world needs women at every table where decisions are being made.” — UN Women

Lecture on Sundarban Mangrove Ecosystem as Saviour of Kolkata from Aerosol Pollution

The Millennium Institute of Energy & Environment Management (MIEEM), a Kolkata-based NGO joined hands with the CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), Kolkata, to organise a lecture as a part of its monthly lecture programme on 13 March 2020 within CGCRI premises.