Prof. (Dr) Venu Gopal Achanta joined as the director of CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi on 21 June 2021. He completed his Masters in Physics from Central University Hyderabad. He obtained PhD in Physics from TIFR in 2000 for his work on Exciton dynamics in low dimensional semiconductors.
Dr Achanta was awarded PhD in Electronics Engineering from Tokyo University in 2006 for work on design and demonstration of an ultrafast all-optical switch. This work was done as a NEDO Fellow at the headquarters of the Japanese National Femtosecond Technology project, FESTA Labs between 2000 and 2003. From 2003 to 2004 he worked as JST Fellow in the Quantum Information Technology group, Basic Research Labs, NEC, Japan. He joined TIFR as faculty in 2004 where he was a Professor (H) since 2018.
His research interest includes classical and quantum information processing with dipolar emitters like quantum dots embedded in photonic and nanophotonic structures.