CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (CSIR-AMPRI), Bhopal
Former Director-General of CSIR Prof. S.K. Joshi Passes Away

Shri Krishna Joshi, popularly known as Professor S.K. Joshi, one of the best science leaders and condensed matter physicist of this country, left for his heavenly abode on 15 May 2020 at the age of 86 at his residence in Gurugram, Haryana. 

Dr Harsh Vardhan Elected as Chair of WHO Executive Board

Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health, Science & Technology and Earth Sciences and Vice President of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has taken over the charge as Chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board on 22 May 2020.

Drug Discovery Hackathon 2020

The Hackathon is a unique approach to COVID-19 Drug Discovery and is a model to engage youth and train them in drug discovery and help to hone their skills.

CSIR Brings out Compendium of Technologies for COVID-19 Mitigation

CSIR has brought out a compendium called CSIR Technologies for COVID-19 Mitigation encapsulating the efforts over the past almost hundred days to combat COVID-19 outbreak.

National Technology Day programme by CSIR-AMPRI on Virtual Platform.

National Technology Day programme by CSIR-AMPRI on Virtual Platform.

CSIR-AMPRI Celebrates National Technology Day

Dr A.K. Srivastava said that through the programmes like Jigyasa a large number of students and teachers are getting acquainted with the R&D activities of major research laboratories.

Webinar on Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and 80 years of CSIR

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and 80 years of CSIR webinar by CSIR-AMPRI & CSIR-Jigyasa.

National Award for CSIR-AMPRI

CSIR-AMPRI has converted hazardous red mud, which is an alumina industrial waste, into X-ray shielding tiles as an alternative to toxic lead.

Inauguration of Electrochemical-3D Printing Laboratory

Release of compendium “Efforts to Combat COVID-19” of CSIR-AMPRI by Hon'ble Minister.

National Science Day Celebration at CSIR-AMPRI

National Science Day 2022 Celebrations @  CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal 

Commercial Launch of “HealthChlor: An Onsite Hypochlorite Disinfectant Generator”

The disinfectant has numerous applications, such as cleaning waste generated from hospitals, glassware, water tanks, drinking water, OT tables, cleaning vegetables, toilets, etc.

CSIR-AMPRI Celebrates Foundation Day

Director, Health, Safety and Environment, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai, emphasised the indigenisation and collaboration between Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Uranium Corporation of India Limited and CSIR-AMPRI in areas of mutual interest in future.

CSIR-AMPRI Organises “One Week One Theme” programme on “Energy and Energy Devices”

Mr Subhro Banerjee, Director, Nordische Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, talked about foam-related battery research going on at Nordische in collaboration with CSIR-AMPRI.

CSIR-AMPRI Transfers Know-how Technology on “Green Binder for Bio Composites”

CSIR-AMPRI Transfers Know-how Technology on “Green Binder for Bio Composites” 

CSIR Foundation Day Celebrated at CSIR-AMPRI

Prof. ES Dwarakadasa, CEO & MD of Karnataka Hybrid Micro Devices Ltd and former Professor, IISc, Bengaluru, spoke about the ancient knowledge of metals covering the discovery and history of metals, especially from the 18th to 20th century.