Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, organised a one day Online Brainstorming Session on Atmanirbhar Bharat: Energy Management and Energy Storage Devices on 16 September 2020 coordinated by CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI), Karaikudi. In his welcome address, Dr R.K. Sinha, Head, CSIR-Human Resource Development Centre (CSIR-HRDC), Ghaziabad, highlighted the background and importance of organising this series of workshops focused mainly on CSIR’s thematic research and the ambitions of Govt of India to fulfil the energy needs of the Nation.
Dr Shekhar C. Mande, Director General, CSIR, in his presidential address, recalled the significance of the term “Swadeshi” coined by Mahatma Gandhi and the need to become self-sufficient even though the global village is the buzz word these days. He claimed that many global nations are closely following our footsteps in reaping the advantages of staying geographically closer.
Setting the context of the Brainstorming, Dr (Mrs) N. Kalaiselvi, Director, CSIR-CECRI and Nodal Director of Energy (Conventional & Non-Conventional) and Energy Devices Theme of CSIR, kindled the focus of the participants towards our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi’s vision to conduct periodic brainstorming on topics of national and global relevance. Considering the exploding growth in the population, vehicles, pollution levels and boom in the usage of e-gadgets, etc., this brainstorming holds prime prominence and promises to provide a prudent roadmap to ensure sustainable future in energy needs, she said. To nurture our biosphere and to evolve with clean energy parallelly with the green environment, we should not get entangled by the confinements and encroachment of e-sphere into our lives, she also remarked.
Eminent experts including globally-renowned scientists and outstanding industry leaders shared their ideas and suggestions to ensure clean, green, affordable and sustainable energy to all its citizens in the near future. Illuminating lectures by Speakers across the globe (Abroad: USA, Czech Republic, France, Switzerland, Singapore and Canada; India: Thermax, GAIL, Reliance, Nayara Energy, IESA and BEE) provided vital inputs and shared their research experiences & expertise and kept the 300+ participants energised throughout the day-long proceedings.
Later, a detailed discussion on the Action Plan was held amongst the industry and the sub-vertical lab Directors and Nodal Scientists under the Energy theme of CSIR. Valuable inputs received from them were consolidated which will be incorporated in the roadmap of CSIR under the Energy theme to define the path ahead for the activities for further implementation. The event ended with concluding remarks by Dr Kalaiselvi.
CSIR-HRDC, Ghaziabad, helped CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, in organising this Brainstorming Session and CSIR-CECRI would share the action plans with CSIR HQ, New Delhi, for consideration and implementation with priority.