CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (CSIR-AMPRI), Bhopal, developed a portable device “AMPRICARE Instantaneous Hypochlorite Generator Using Kitchen Salt” which gives freedom to make hypochlorite disinfectant anywhere simply using tap water, kitchen salt, and a mobile charger. Its Know-how was transferred to industry partner “M/s HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd, Nagpur” on 26 June 2021.
This device is now being deployed on a pilot scale in the Aizawl district of Mizoram in collaboration with the Mizoram Science, Technology & Innovation Council. On 24 April 2024, on the occasion of the 49th Research Council meeting of CSIR-AMPRI in the presence of Prof. Vinod Kumar Singh (Padma Shri Awardee), Chair Professor, IIT Kanpur and Chairman RC, CSIR-AMPRI and Prof. Avanish Kumar Srivastava, Director, CSIR-AMPRI, 6-litre Hypochlorite Generator “HealthChlor” was launched. Various dignitaries from different organisations graced the occasion.
HealthChlor developed by CSIR-AMPRI and HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd can generate hypochlorite solution varying from 0.2% to 1% strength, killing microbes, including bacteria and viruses. The device does not require any skilled manpower, easy to operate, and will automatically stop once the reaction is over. The disinfectant has numerous applications, such as cleaning waste generated from hospitals, glassware, water tanks, drinking water, OT tables, cleaning vegetables, toilets, etc.
At the outset, Prof. Avanish Kumar Srivastava highlighted CSIR-AMPRI’s journey from a 250 ml device to a 6L HealthChlor in close collaboration with the industry partner. He also informed that the device is being implemented in Aizawl in a project funded by the North East Center for Technology Application and Reach, Department of Science and Technology, under which the product (250 ml) was launched by the Honourable Health Minister of Mizoram, Smt. Lalrinpuii. The device is already being implemented at the Cancer State Institute, Urban Primary Health Centre, Zemabawk, churches, etc. He also appreciated the efforts of HES Water Engineers to bring this device to 6L capacity.
Mr Jatin Ahuja, CEO, HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur, thanked CSIR-AMPRI, for their support and spoke about the working principle of the device. He also mentioned countless advantages of owning HealthChlor in hospitals, primary healthcare centres, hotels, restaurants, public places, etc.
Prof. Vinod Kumar Singh appreciated the joint efforts of CSIR-AMPRI and HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd and expected a big market for this technology.