CSIR-HRDC Conducts various Programmes

Training Programme on Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement  
Two Days training programme on the Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement was organised from 29 to 30 January 2024 at CSIR-HRDC (CSIR-Human Resource Development Centre) Campus, Ghazaiabad. Dr Venugopal Achanta, Director, CSIR-NPL, was the chief guest of the session. Dr TS Rana, Head of CSIR-HRDC, welcomed the dignitaries and gave the inaugural address. Dr Rina Sharma, Former Chief Scientist and Head Length & Dimension Metrology, was one of the key resource persons. Other resource persons were from various private sectors. Thirty-six CSIR-NPL and Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited participants participated in the training programme. 
Learning Hour — Lecture Series 
As part of the Learning Hour, a session on Naturopathy, Yoga and Health was organised on 2 February 2024.  The objective was to keep abreast the staff of HRDC with the science of holistic healing & healthy living and harnessing the potential of Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Yoga.

Workshop on How to Write a Winning Research Proposal 
The online workshop was conducted under the CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative on 09 February  2024. Thirty-Seven participants from various CSIR labs joined this certification programme.
Refresher Training Course for Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs)
Three days Refresher Training Course for Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) was organised from 26 to 28 February  2024, at the CSIR-HRDC campus, Ghaziabad. Shri Chetan Prakash Jain, JS & FA, CSIR and Shri Mahendra Kumar Gupta, JSA, CSIR, inaugurated the programme. Dr TS Rana, Head, CSIR-HRDC, welcomed the dignitaries and participants.

Smt. Simesh Verma, Senior Deputy Secretary, CSIR-HRDC,  was the Training Manager and Dr Shobhna Choudhary, Principal Scientist, CSIR-HRDC, was the Programme Coordinator. The programme aimed to strengthen the abilities of the DDOs with updated rules and enable them to perform their duties more efficiently. The programme broadly covered various rules and provisions for GST, income tax, EPF/ESIC, labour Cess, and other related issues.

The broad objective of this programme was to sensitise the DDOs for Finance and Accounts matters, CSIR Budget Heads, AMS, and to resolve the issues related to PFMS, etc. Shri Nafe Singh, Ex Faculty ISTM was the key resource person. Senior Finance persons of CSIR-HQs were also the resource persons for various sessions. Approximately forty-five participants attended the programme. 
Celebration of International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day Celebration on 8 March 2024 was organised to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about discrimination and promote gender equality. The programme provided an opportunity to employees to come together to enhance their knowledge and sharpen their skills to balance work-life effectively. All the women employees of CSIR-HRDC attended the programme. Mrs A Dhanalakshmi, Joint Secretary, DST, was the Chief Guest of the programme. 

Induction Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists
CSIR-HRDC has conducted its flagship Induction Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists from 4 to13 March  2024. The programme familiarised the scientists with the organisation’s vision, mission, goals, ethos and culture, striving to introduce them to national and global S&T and industrial scenario, IPR and R&D management, procurement procedures, administrative issues, financial and legal matters, and vigilance-related issues. The programme included contemporary aspects such as impact assessment of R&D outcomes, S&T interventions for rural societies, technology commercialisation, technology start-ups, artificial intelligence and machine learning, etc. The programme also envisaged upgrading soft skills such as interpersonal skills, effective teamwork, motivation, positive attitude, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, interpersonal communication skills, etc.  The programme pedagogy comprised interactive sessions, individual and group assignments, case studies and field visits.

Twenty-four scientists from 13 different CSIR laboratories joined the programme. Chief Guest, Prof. Manoranjan Parida, Director, CSIR-CRRI and  Dr TS Rana, Head, CSIR-HRDC, graced the occasion. Eminent Speakers from various Divisions and Directorate of CSIR Hqs. were the resource persons who shared their knowledge and experiences. Sh. Soumya Guha, SDG Analyst from UNDP and Ms Priyamvada, Training Management of iGot were also there to share their experiences.

Participants visited the Metrology lab. of CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, on 11 March 2024. Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta, Director, CSIR-NPL and Dr Shankar G Aggarwal, Chief Scientist, CSIR-NPL, interacted with the young scientists. The valedictory session was chaired by Dr Ramanuj Narayan, Director, CSIR-IMMT. He graced the occasion and shared his rich experience & knowledge. Participation certificates were also distributed to the participants.