CSIR-HRDC Conducts Programmes

Excellence in Leadership

CSIR-HRDC (Human Resource Development Centre), Ghaziabad organised two days exclusive programme on Excellence in Leadership for newly appointed Directors of CSIR Labs on 19 & 20 July 2021. Six Directors of CSIR Labs (CGCRI, CCMB, CSMCRI, NCL, NPL & SERC) participated in the programme.

Dr Shekhar C. Mande DG, CSIR, Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary DST and Shri Jayant Sahasrabudhe, National Organising Secretary, VIBHA were present in the inaugural session of the programme. Dr Shekhar C. Mande shared the Vision, Mission, Ethos and Culture of CSIR.

Dr Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog and Prof. Arumugam Manthiram, University of Texas, Austin, USA, joined online and shared their experience with participants.

Dr Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR-IHBT also interacted online and gave a talk on Lab-to-Land. Heads of various other divisions of CSIR were also the resource persons to share the functioning of CSIR. The programme was very well accepted and appreciated by the directors.


Webinar series on Intellectual Property and Technology Management

CSIR-HRDC, in association with various Directorates/Units of CSIR Hqs, organised a series of webinars on Intellectual Property and Technology Management from 1 June to 31 August 2021. In this series, eight webinars were organised on June 1, 15 & 30, July 15 & 30, and August 5, 16 & 31, 2021.

Resource persons were drawn from different divisions of CSIR-Hqs and CSIR-URDIP with vast experience and expertise in the field of IP and Technology Management. More than 200 Scientists, Researchers & Research Fellows joined virtually. The response/feedback of this programme was overwhelming.


World Environment Day

World Environment Day (5 June) was celebrated at the campus of CSIR-HRDC by organising a tree plantation programme on 4 June 2021.  On this occasion, Head-HRDC planted a mango plant. He also shared his thoughts and ideas to spread awareness and importance of plants and the environment for humankind. In this campaign, Tulsi plants were distributed among officers and employees.