CSIR-HRDC Conducts Various Programmes

Programme on Research & Development: Industry 4.0


Two days programme on Research & Development: Industry 4.0, was organised by CSIR-HRDC on 7 & 8 October 2020 via MS-Team Platform.  This was the first programme of its kind organised for Chemical, Biological, Physical and Engineering sciences across CSIR. The programme started with the welcome and expectation sharing by Dr R.K. Sinha, Head, CSIR-HRDC.

Dr Shekhar C. Mande, Secretary, DSIR & DG, CSIR, appreciated this initiative for organising such futuristic programmes and shared his expectation to achieve excellence in this field.

The first day was focused on Chemical and Biological Sciences. Three CSIR lab Directors Dr Anurag Agrawal, CSIR-IGIB; Dr S. Chandrasekhar, CSIR-IICT, and Prof. Alok Dhawan,CSIR-IITR shared their rich experiences and gave talks related to challenges, opportunities in the field of healthcare and chemical industry to achieve industry 4.0. Eminent speakers from industry and academia, both national and international, also shared their knowledge and experience.

The second day was for the Physical & Engineering Sciences. Dr Avanish Kumar Srivastava, Director CSIR-AMPRI; Dr Indranil Chattoraj, Director CSIR-NML and Dr V.M. Tiwari, Director CSIR-NGRI shared their rich experiences on Machine Learning Industry 4.0 in Geophysical Technologies.

All dignitaries appreciated the efforts and initiative of CSIR-HRDC to bring together the young minds on one platform for knowledge sharing. Approximately 175 participants joined virtually across CSIR. The response/feedback on this programme was overwhelming.


Programme on Reservation and Maintenance of RosterS


Two days online programme on Reservation and Maintenance of Rosters was conducted on MS-Teams on 14& 15 October 2020. On both the days approximately 60 participants from across CSIR joined the programme.


Brainstorming on Utilisation of Agro/Biomass Waste: Roadmap & Strategy


Brainstorming session on Utilisation of Agro/Biomass Waste: Roadmap & Strategy was organised on 28 October 2020 via MS-Teams. Four CSIR labs — CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad and CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, which are actively working in this area participated as knowledge sharing partners. Various National industrial partners and International Academia partners joined and shared their rich experiences and research initiatives in the area of biomass waste management.

The programme commenced with initial remarks and brief background about the initiative by Dr R.K. Sinha, Head, CSIR-HRDC. Prof. Rajesh K. Sani from Dept of Chemical & Biological Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, USA, shared his research experience in this field.

CSIR lab directors Dr Sanjay Kumar, CSIR-IHBT; Dr Avanish Kr Srivastava, CSIR-AMPRI and Dr G. Narahari Sastry, CSIR-NEIST, were also part of this brainstorming session and shared their research expertise and experience. About 125 participants across CSIR joined virtually to get benefited.